Telecom Network Optimization

Telecom Network Optimization

NICC is engaged in providing excellent and most reliable Telecom Network Optimization services. These services are rendered with the help of diligent and experienced project management team which has sound knowledge in its domain. We offer network management and implementation services to the clients at industry competitive rates. Our services are successfully completed within the stipulated time frame and hence prove beneficial for the clients and network operators.

Drive Test and Telecom Network Optimization

Our clients can avail from us excellent Drive Test and Telecom Network Optimization. We take the Drive Route and Site Data for the sites to be driven from the customers and the Drive Test LOG File of the specified Drive Route / Site is saved and the same is handed over to the customer at the end of the day. DT Resource identifies the routine field optimization issues, such as cable swapping, missing neighbors and then rectifies the same with the help of customer.


The telecom network optimization tools used are:

  • TEMS Investigation
  • Actix Analyzer
  • Agilent E6474A
  • Neptune
  • CDMA Air Interface Tester (CAIT)
  • TEMS Desk Cat